Thursday 15 October 2015

‘No fault divorce’ on its way?

The Conservative MP Richard Bacon has put forward a proposal to amend the family law to allow couples to say there was no fault for the relationship break up.

The current law means that married couples who want to separate have to provide the courts with evidence of adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion or separation without consent.

Arguing that he did not want to make divorce ‘easier’ but instead stating his Bill would allow couples to break up without ‘throwing mud’ at each other, Mr Bacon went on to say: ‘I propose one simple amendment to the law - the option of divorce without blame - where a petitioner who wished to do so, rather than offering the court one of the five facts currently required of adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion etc, could instead satisfy a court a marriage had broken down irretrievably with a sixth fact.’

MPs passed the first reading of Mr Bacon’s ‘No Fault Divorce Bill on Tuesday.

I will keep an eye on this interesting proposal - anything that gives a different angle on ‘blame culture’ cannot be a bad thing to explore.

To read the full article from The Telegraph click here.

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